Monday 22 June 2009

'Lady Labouchere Becomes a Fly on the Wall in the Pantry of Dudmaston Hall' by Nadia Kingsley

“Easter has been quite eventful... our footman decided he would like the weekend free with his fiancee (found by advertisement, a nurse I understand). So he told us his papa had been knocked down by a motor bicycle and was likely to die! He however did not depart until the following morning, and later the butler discovered that there had been no accident in the neighbourhood. We await his return...! I should like to be a fly on the wall in the pantry! Our butler is about really to enjoy himself, and I think we shall be a footman the less.” Quote from Lady Labouchere

Hey this is fun! Walking
vertically, not a care in the world.
Without turning my head
I can see the footman sneaking
in, through the door.

He carries the scent of flowers.
I rub my legs together and I
taste lavender. There’s red
on his collar - it could be jam -
I’ll just fly over.

There’s a gust of wind as
the butler storms in; it turns
out to be lip colour - his nurse
has been kissing him better.
The footman slowly

wafts his hand towards me.
The butler lifts his too, in anger.
His mouth is wide, his face
purple like an azalea.
I watch, then as

the butler booms and shouts
I try walking on the ceiling.
I can’t hear their words,
and the cheese on the shelf
is very distracting.

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