Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Highley and Hampton Loade Trip, Sat, November 1st

On Saturday, November 1st the first of our trips will take place. It is hoped these trips will be enjoyable days out which but will allow us to experience the area and inspire us to write.
There will be no workshop on this day so feel free to bring friends and family with you.
The trip will consist of a ramble from Highley , through the country park and along the river to Hampton Loade ( visiting the Severn Valley Country Park Visitors’ centre en route ). We will return to Highley on the Severn Valley Railway. Once back in Highley we can visit the Engine House and have refreshments in their cafeteria.

10.50: Meet at the car park.
To get there turn off the B4555 ( which is the main road through Highley ) at Station Road. There is a mock-Tudor house on the corner and a brown sign which reads – ‘Severn Valley Country Park, SVR Stn, River Severn’. The car park is a 100 yards down the road.
11.00: Leave car park
11.20: Highley Station
12.00: Severn Valley Country Park Visitors’ Centre ( stay for approx 30 mins )
13.20 : Hampton Loade ( packed lunch in the station waiting room by a roaring fire )
13.59 to 14.07: Travel by Severn Valley Railway to Highley
14.20 to 3.00: Visit the Engine House ( where we can have refreshments in the cafeteria )

The fare from Hampton Loade to Highley is £2.50
Entry to the Engine House is £3.00
The Ship Inn is open from 13.00 to 15.00 if people prefer a beer
You will need to bring a packed lunch ( unless you can wait until 14.20 )

Remember: There's no such thing as bad weather , only inappropriate clothing.

Any questions: Contact me on david.hodgebower@googlemail.com

Dave Bingham

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