Sunday, 21 December 2008

Winter Workshop, Saturday, January 17th, 2009

The workshop in Jan 2009 is to take place on Saturday, 17th at Bev’s Barn ( details of how to get there will be circulated closer to the date .. or refer to Paul’s info for the Dec meeting ).

The workshop will look at ways in which historical and mythological material can be used to create fresh and original writing.

Dave Bingham will act as the ‘enabler’ using some sessions he teaches at The Gateway in Shrewsbury.

The day will be ‘activity based ‘ and there will be a mixture of developing ideas and techniques
and short opportunities for fresh writing.

We hope those who come will feel free to contribute information and ideas to the workshop.

We will start at 10.00am and finish between 2.30pm and 3.00pm, with a break for lunch. We are hoping to have a shared lunch. Could you bring something along which can be shared with other people.

If you have any ideas for the workshop … please let Dave know .

The cost of the day will be £2 ( this is for the core refreshments … tea, coffee, etc. ).

We hope you can make it!

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