Monday, 16 February 2009

Much Wenlock Saturday, 21st March , 2009

Here are the activities planned for the day:

10.30 Arrive, coffee in Priory Hall, outline of the day.

10.50 Brief walk around Much Wenlock - indicating possible alternatives

11.15 – 12.15 An hour’s free exploration of the town.

12.15 – 12.45 An interview with Ken Milner. PF will ask KM questions about his childhood in Much Wenlock, his work at the Priory and subsequently, the Wenlock countryside and flora, and KM’s written work about MW.

12.45 – 1.15 Lunch (brought by members; speakers are very welcome to join in)

1.15 - 2.00 Paul Weedon will guide us through the geology of the area, and the evolution of its landscape. After his presentation, there will be time for questions.

2.15 A Taste of the Edge – a short walk along part of Wenlock Edge (but for those to whom that doesn’t appeal, there will be displays and reading material in Priory Hall, and/or a further chance to explore the town.)

4.0 Tea at Priory Hall, where we shall be joined by Paul Evans, local naturalist, writer and broadcaster (who writes the Country Diary on Wenlock Edge, in The Guardian, many Wednesdays.)

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