farming was done in the past.
We chatted to a 'bodger' who showed us how to make
saw some sheep,
a midden in the farmyard,
a Tamworth pig and some piglets
shire horses being groomed
a dairy maid making butter and
lots,lots more.
After lunch we went to Cherry Oaks Farm to see how
farming is done today.
First we went to visit the recent calves
and David demonstrated how to 'show' a calf
as you would at an agricultural show.
Then we visited the milking parlour,
and watched the tanker come to collect the milk.

All the time we were closely followed by the
farm cat who likes to know what's going on.
At the end of the tour, we went up to the meadow and
Neil explained to us what makes a good shorthorn dairy cow.
Before going home we were treated to tea and chocolate cake
and we discussed some of the advantages and disadvantages
of being a farming family today.
We would like to thank Neil, Jayne and David very much
for taking the time to show us around their farm
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