Saturday 25 October 2008

My Arrival in Bridgnorth by Rosie Pugh

Officially I arrived in Bridgnorth on the 5th of February 1990 as Keith, my husband, had bought New Barns Farm at auction at the Punch Bowl on the Ludlow Road. We had been married a year.
It was the lower part of Bridgnorth that we discovered first and we were led to believe that this was all there was to Bridgnorth. It was a few weeks before, when out with my friend Pat from Cheshire, I ventured over the bridge from Low Town and discovered the magic of High Town.
I was captured by the view from the castle wall. It was a picture of beauty that lay before me. There were hills, fields and trees and in the midst of them the river flowed. People walked by me. They chatted and laughed amongst themselves. A gentle breeze touched my skin. The birds sang and mingled with the human laughter it made a richer chorus. I was in a place of contentment and at peace.
As the weeks passed I felt at home as I had as a young girl growing up in Donegal Ireland. The people I found friendly and very helpful and this would be more so in the weeks and months to follow.

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